Contract Order Forms
Select Contract Order Forms from the left fly-out menu.
Select a Ship To.
On the Contracts listing, click/touch to use a specific Contract Order Form to place a Remote Order.
On the Order Form tab, you can enter quantities for one or more Items and then click/touch to add the Items to a Remote Order.
Items that you have already added for the order are indicated with a blue background.
A status of in the upper left-hand corner means at least one Item has been added to the order and the order progress has been automatically saved.
The Remote Order # is a Web Connect-assigned Order #. Once the order is Confirmed and sent to P21, the P21 Order # and Order Status will display.
The Items Ordered tab displays the Items that have been added/saved to this Order so far. You can click/touch to edit/change the Qty Ordered and then click/touch
to Save or Cancel the changes. You can also click/touch
to delete the line item from the Order.
If required/allowed, you can enter a PO Number on the Purchase Order tab.
On the Order Note tab, you can add, change or delete Order Notes.
On the Ship-To/Customer tab, you can view the Ship-To and Customer address and phone number.
On the right, fly-out menu you have all the options in the standard Right Fly-out Menu except Email and you can Cancel the Order and View the Order in the Remote Order Form.