Quickly create quotes and orders on the go either one at a time or in bulk

Distributors face many order management scenarios. Increased efficiencies in creating and managing orders results in improved order accuracy and timeliness, better customer service, reduced costs and increased customer satisfaction. Web Connect provides easy to use, powerful remote ordering tools. These highly configurable features enable your customers and sales reps to quickly place live P21 orders with a smart phone, tablet or laptop.
The Web Connect Quick-Order feature allows users to set up an unlimited number of re-usable order forms – pre-populated with the items a customer frequently buys. This is perfect for situations where a sales rep or customer will be regularly checking locations to replenish stock, and other VMI scenarios. Web Connect also offers off-line ordering capabilities for situations when connectivity is a challenge.
Ordering via barcode scans, ordering from contracts, importing order files (text files, CSV and Excel) and ordering from order history are also available remote ordering options making entering orders into P21 a simple and repeatable process.