P21 Extensions and Customizable Views

Do More with P21” has been our mantra since the beginning and our most recent P21 extensions and customizable views continue that tradition.

Supplier Portal
Collaborate with your suppliers on sales opportunities, share product performance, track sales calls and share live or exported data. The Supplier Portal is a configurable, on-demand communication tool that enables supplier interaction and tracking.

Service Dispatch and Management
Dispatch team members and supply them with the information necessary to get the job done. Schedule jobs and notify field technicians on their mobile phones of new jobs assigned to them. Include notes, attach photos and files and allow your field techs to properly service customers.

Expense Tracking and Reporting
Tired of passing spreadsheets back and forth with mobile employees? Use the Expense Tracking and Reporting tool to ensure accuracy and consistency and simplify the submission and approval process.

If you encounter scenarios involving multiple related opportunities for different and multiple customers or prospects, use Projects to link opportunities in one central work space.

Job Tracking and Reporting
Manage and get an at-a-glance view of job status and schedule and assigned staff and equipment in a list or calendar view.  Easily track what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and who is assigned, along with capturing important notes from the field.

New Customizable Dashboards and Reports
Below are recent additions to our extensive library of dashboards and reports.

Farming and Hunting
Analyze your sales data to track “farming” vs. “hunting” activities to ensure you have the optimal balance of both.

Evaluate inventory profitability with the Gross Margin Return on Investment (GMROI) report that analyzes a firm’s ability to turn inventory into cash above the cost of the inventory.

Distribution Center Analytics
Gain insights into distribution center efficiency and enhance the company bottom line with Distribution Center Analytics.